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Test out Marisa Peer's Weight Management for 60 days and if this program isn’t everything we promised, simply let us know and we will refund every single penny of your investment no questions asked.
Bobby Sampsons,
Founder of
Hi, my name is Marisa Peer.
I'm going to share with you a reason why it's so difficult for you to lose weight and keep it off, even when you have tried everything from dieting to weight loss pills, long, boring workouts, and perhaps even surgery.

Question: Have you often begun each day saying I am only going to eat healthy food and lose weight, only to find yourself giving into junk food, like burger and fries or chocolate even though you promised yourself you wouldn't eat them?

Then you feel bad thinking you are weak and a failure when that is not the case at all, however that bad, guilty feeling makes you eat even more bad food.

It is a vicious circle that me weight management program will end.
Demonstrated by the famous TV Series "Supersize vs Superskinny", which tested popular diets, pills, surgery & treatments, and found that this method was the only one to really work.
In 2008, a sensational TV documentary series called Supersize vs Superskinny set out to test the effectiveness of diet plans, pills and even surgeries used in clinics around the world and sold over the internet.

The series lasted for over 6 years and out of all the methods tested most failed to work long term and some even had disastrous side effects.

The presenter of the series, Anna Richardson, who had struggled with her weight for most of her life and had tried almost every method available to get to her perfect weight, found that only one method actually worked.

Anna has now become a household name in the UK and a role model to millions for her personal transformation. Using this simple technique you are about to discover:
How Anna got her Perfect Weight:
In a recent blog post for the major newspaper, The Independent, Anna gave a deeply personal admission about her weight problem and how she finally overcame it. Anna said:

“For years I’ve struggled with my weight, and I’ve literally tried every diet. I was the reporter for Channel 4’s diet series Supersize vs Superskinny and my challenge was to immerse myself in the world of extreme diets and to communicate back the truth.”
Does any of this sound familiar?
“At the time of being asked, I was a little insulted. In my head I was a svelte 126 lb, size 8 stunner – whereas in reality I was a hefty 161 lb size 14 porker. Overweight and in complete denial. A fact that only became apparent to me when I agreed to weigh myself on camera, for the first time in seven years. I was devastated.
So I threw myself with gusto into the diets I was trialling, which included: The Apple Diet (apples…that’s it. Favoured by supermodels), Diet pills (ditto), the Baby Food Diet (beloved by Hollywood A listers), the Maple Syrup Diet (beloved by Beyonce), the Baked Bean Diet (beloved by no-one), and as a last resort, Liposuction (which went wrong).  
I was by turns constipated, flatulent, hungry and in pain. And after all this, did I lose any weight? Just a few pounds.”
But then it all changed...
“The change came when I went to see Marisa Peer for a session. It was while I was under hypnosis that I quite had a ‘lightbulb moment’ – an acknowledgment of where my issues with food began, and the realisation that I didn’t want to be a prisoner to food any longer. Put simply, "I made a decision to change."
In an interview with The Telegraph (a major UK newspaper), the lovely Anna Richardson talks about how she lost over 35 lbs and kept it off for over four years after just one session with Marisa Peer.
Her interest was sparked during the filming of Supersize vs Superskinny in 2008. Anna had undergone a Regression Session (part of Marisa’s unique method), and discovered that her own eating habits were formed during early childhood. Her mother was taken into hospital. Her father had tried to comfort Anna – in her mother’s absence – by feeding her treats, fast food and fizzy drinks. And so a relationship between food and comfort was firmly established.

Yet after just one session, where Marisa cured the problem rooted from her past, Anna lost over 35 lbs, to settle at under 132 lbs – the exact weight she had told Marisa she considered her perfect weight. ”I found myself making better food choices, without realising it – it was weird,’’ she admits.
Anna's results and experience are reflective of her personal circumstance and effort. This will vary for every individual and specific results cannot be guaranteed.
Join Anna in achieving weight loss success today!
Introducing Marisa Peer
Marisa Peer studied hypnotherapy at the Hypnotism Training Institute of Los Angeles, known as the best hypnotherapy training establishment in the world. Marisa works extensively on television and radio and was voted the most successful therapist on Supersize vs. Superskinny and Celebrity Fit Club UK and USA. Marisa was named Best British Therapist by Men's Health magazine and features in Tatler's Guide to Britain's 250 Best Doctors.

She has spent 25 years working with an extensive client list including royalty, rock stars, actors, professional and Olympic athletes, CEOs and media personalities and has developed her own style that is frequently referred to as life-changing. 
Marisa is a best-selling author of four books and appears extensively as an expert on television and radio. She was the nutritionist for Men's Fitness magazine, the therapist in the Sunday People's Heart to Heart column, she also had her own weekly Mind column for Closer. She now devotes all her time to speaking and helping to change people’s lives.

As well as treating patients, Marisa lectures, writes columns and appears on television and radio all over the world. Marisa is recognised as one of the very best therapists worldwide because of her individual approach that always gets results.
Meet Tina
The New Social Animal
“Before Marisa, my life was miserable. I had no self esteem, every social event was traumatic, what to wear (will it fit?). I lived on processed junk food, coffee and biscuits. I didn’t know fuel could be bought without chocolate and ate several bars daily — what on earth was I thinking?
I can now face my 50s in the shape I have wanted to be in all my adult life. I’m so happy having reached my goal weight! I feel so in control now having used Marisa’s techniques. I know I deserve this and can spend the rest of my life in this happy, happy place!”*
*Results and experience can vary for every individual and specific results cannot be guaranteed.
Meet Lisa
Bought A Whole New Wardrobe 
“Once discovering why I had issues with food it was just a simple case of following the methods and they revealed such amazing results!

Six months ago I was size 18 top and 30 bottom. I was ready to shed that weight and change my life. I’ve never been happier – I'm lighter, a size 10 top and 12 bottoms, a whole new wardrobe and still toning!”*
*Results and experience can vary for every individual and specific results cannot be guaranteed.
Meet Hannah
Incredible Self Esteem
After nearly 2 decades of struggling with weight, Hannah finally found the answer with Marisa’s method. 

“I can’t tell you how my self-esteem has changed and the best thing of all is, I know for a fact that the changes I have made to my diet and lifestyle are permanent, this is no fad, no diet, but a lifestyle change and the new me is here to stay!”*
*Results and experience can vary for every individual and specific results cannot be guaranteed.
Meet Rebecca
No Longer Craves Sweets
"I was eating 7 chocolate bars a day and I found that I got moody if I didn't have my fix. I finally realised my problem was serious.

Marisa helped reprogramme my brain so that I no longer associate chocolate with happiness. It was amazing, for the first time in my adult life, I didn't feel like chocolate. As a result, the weight has dropped off me"*
*Results and experience can vary for every individual and specific results cannot be guaranteed.
Meet Angela
More Energetic Than Ever
“Two years ago I started overeating because I was unhappy at work. My only exercise was walking to the shops to buy junk food. I didn’t even try to diet as I knew I wouldn’t stick to it.

During my session with Marisa Peer, I felt so relaxed. I discovered how I comfort ate from an early age, which foods would benefit me and how to visualise my ideal size. I’ll never go back to my unhealthy ways, I’m more energetic and so happy with my body now.”*
*Results and experience can vary for every individual and specific results cannot be guaranteed.
What Marisa Peer's Weight Management is not:
Let me tell you what Marisa Peer's Weight Management is not, so that you know exactly what you are about to get.
What is so unique about our program?
Imagine having Britain's top weight loss therapist (as rated by Men's Health Magazine, Tatler and Time Out) in the comfort of your own home, guiding you to your perfect weight.
  • Simple to understand: just slip on your headphones, sit back & listen.
  • Save money on expensive diet plans, foods, and medical bills.
  • Takes little time out of the day, so fits into a busy schedule.
  • Works equally well for men and women .
  • No need to count calories or measure or weigh food .
  • Fixes the root cause of weight problems permanently!
Here’s what you get when you order Marisa Peer's Weight Management today!
Our audio program is divided into a simple 3 step process: 
Step 1: Listen to the Audio Book.   
Imagine that you purchased a top-of-the-range computer and it came without instructions. How would you use it? You might find that you could not use it at all, or you might muddle through, but you would never get the best out of your machine. 

You could never use it to its full capacity, and you would not get the excellent results that it was capable of giving to you.

We come into this world with the most amazing computer-like brain, that is capable of doing so much, but there are no instructions that tell us how to get the best from ourselves, and no manual that shows us how to program ourselves for success.

I am going to show how you to understand and use the power of your subconscious mind for your weight loss success inside this special audio program. 
Step 2: The Regression Session
We’re all born with a normal relationship with food: that’s why babies don’t overeat, don’t bolt their food, and have no problem leaving food regardless of how delicious it is. So if we accept the premise that we were born with a completely normal attitude to food, it means that somewhere along the line we must have developed an abnormal relationship with food. It partly explains why millions of us now struggle with our weight.

I’m going to help you track back to where, how, and why that happened. Because once you’ve pinpointed the origin of your problem, you’ll be so much better equipped to fix it. 
An example is a colleague who would always binge on huge take-out meals when she was down or stressed.

She decided to look at how she learned this behaviour and remembered that she woke up one day to find her mother gone because she had been rushed to hospital. Her dad had no idea how to care for her and he could not cook so he served her enormous take-out portions washed down with Pepsi and every time she visited her mother in hospital he would buy her several candy bars to keep her occupied.

This gave her immense pleasure and she realized that she always binged on huge take-outs followed by several candy bars and Pepsi because she had been trained to cope with loneliness, worry and anxiety by eating huge amounts of a particular type of food.

Once she understood the timeline of this learned behaviour, she was able to unlearn it.
Step 3: Hypnotic Mind Reprogramming
The Hypnotic
Gastric Band
My Hypnotic Gastric Banding product can mentally shrink the size of your stomach and conditions you to become motivated to only want to eat healthy and real food. Imagine feeling motivated to prefer eating only real, natural food, feeling full quickly, and feeling empowered and elated as you refuse junk food.

My audio will condition and motivate you to eat less, eat selectively, eat healthily and to drop weight quickly. To not feel hunger and find it the easiest thing in the world to leave food and also be indifferent to all the food that made you overweight in the first place.
Perfect Weight
My Perfect Weight audio programs your mind to let go of all the negative eating habits and beliefs about food that you picked up as a child and to replace them with healthy grown up ones.

The hypnotic language combined with my effective mind changing techniques enable you to become free of dieting, free of cravings and able to break negative eating habits, so you see results very quickly and keep them for good.
Weight Control
My Hypnotic Weight Control audio download conditions you to reach and maintain your ideal weight without dieting.

It motivates you to form a healthy relationship with food and to prefer healthy food while being indifferent to junk food, without ever feeling restricted or deprived. It gives you direct mental commands that program and condition you to eat selectively and to make the right choices.
So what is included in the Weight Management program?
The full Weight Management package is available for the unbeatable promotion price of just $99!
So hit the button below now, fill out the form on the next page and prepare to say goodbye to the body you are unhappy with and hello to your ideal weight, shape, and size.

Once purchased, all you need to do is log into the system, download the first MP3 session, then hit play, sit back, and let our technology work its magic.

Let us remind you, this amazing product is 100% RISK-FREE and we provide you with a 60-day full refund if you are not entirely satisfied!
Here's what's included:
  • The complete step by step Audio & Ebook
  •  Hypnotic Gastric Band MP3 
  •  Hypnotic Weight Control MP3 
  •  Perfect Weight Hypnosis MP3 
  •  The Regression Session MP3
  •  30 Day Trial Membership to the Perfect Weight  Community
How Perfect Weight Forever Works
My unique Perfect Weight Forever program is designed to change not just your weight, shape and size but also your relationship with food.

It is designed to put you in control, rather than feeling that food controls you, or that you have no control around food.

The program is going to show you how to see yourself as slimmer, how to think and act as slimmer and how to train your mind and your appetite so you can reach and then maintain your perfect weight forever, more easily than you ever thought possible.
Join the Community
Your $99 investment includes a 30-day trial to the Weight Management Community, where you'll connect with others on their weight loss journey and enjoy:
  •  Monthly Content hosted by Marisa
  •  Weekly Q & A Sessions by your Certified RTT Weight Loss Therapist Community Host 
After your 30-day trial has expired, you may continue to stay in the Community for just $9.95 per month, or cancel your membership at any time before the trial has ended and you will not be charged.
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